2,478 matches
underlined): 3. Frecvență serviciului (Frequency): ......................................................│ │5. Serviciul regulat special (Special regular service): │ │ - categoria de pasageri (Category of passengers): Ea nu poate fi utilizată decât de titularul al cărui nume este │ │ indicat în cuprinsul sau. │ │ (This authorization is valid for the part of the journey on the territory of România. It │ │ may not be used except by a party whose name is indicated thereon) 2. Autorizația sau copia conformă eliberată de autoritatea emitenta va fi păstrată la bordul │ │ vehiculului pe întreaga durată
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/209035_a_210364]
underlined): 3. Frecvență serviciului (Frequency): ......................................................│ │5. Serviciul regulat special (Special regular service): │ │ - categoria de pasageri (Category of passengers): Ea nu poate fi utilizată decât de titularul al cărui nume este │ │ indicat în cuprinsul sau. │ │ (This authorization is valid for the part of the journey on the territory of România. It │ │ may not be used except by a party whose name is indicated thereon) 2. Autorizația sau copia conformă eliberată de autoritatea emitenta va fi păstrată la bordul │ │ vehiculului pe întreaga durată
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/209037_a_210366]
d'exploitation doivent etre portees sur une nouvelle page); - des que le băteau commence son voyage: Colonne 1 - la date (jour et mois) Colonne 2 -l'heure (l'heure et leș minutes) Colonne 3 - le lieu d'ou le băteau part Colonne 4 - leș coordonnees de ce lieu (km) - des que le băteau interrompt son voyage: Colonne 1 - la date (jour et mois) și elle est differente de celle ou le băteau a commence son voyage Colonne 5 -l'heure (l'heure
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/210631_a_211960]
mai puțin de 90 de secunde ● Semnare digitală: în mai puțin de o secundă Caracteristici fizice a) Hardware ... ● 8-bit processor ● 32K memory b) Conectivitate ... ● USB 1.1/2.0 compliant ● 1.5 Mbits per second transfer c) Regulatory Standards ... FCC Part 15 - Class B CE Limite de temperatură de funcționare ● 0°C to 70°C (32°F to 158°F) Limite de temperatură de stocare ● -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F) Certificare rezistență la umiditate ● IP X8
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/233656_a_234985]
în partea IV, în funcție de care │ │dintre aceste date este prima. The certificate is valid for 4 months after signature by the official │ │veterinarian or endorsement by the competent authority, or until the date of│ │epiry of the vaccination shown în Part IV, which ever is earlier. │ │ │ │4. Animalele provenind din țări terțe sau pregătite în țări terțe care nu │ │sunt prevăzute în anexa II la Regulamentul (CE) nr. 998/2003 nu pot fi │ │introduse în Irlanda, Malta, Suedia sau în Regatul
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/235814_a_237143]
În caz de circulație ulterioară către Finlanda, partea VII trebuie │ │completată [a se vedea litera (a) alineatul (1) de mai sus]. │ │Parts I, II, III, IV and V must be completed (and VII for Finland). The │ │sample referred to în part V must have been taken more than 3 months before │ │the entry. For subsequent movement to Ireland, Malta, Sweden or United │ │Kingdom - see note 4. În case of a subsequent movement to Finland, Part VII │ │must be completed (see (a
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/235814_a_237143]
Frecvența serviciului (Frequency): Această autorizație este valabilă pentru acea parte a cursei care se │ │desfășoară pe teritoriul României. Ea nu poate fi utilizată decât de titularul│ │al cărui nume este indicat în cuprinsul său. │ │ (This authorization is valid for the part of the journey on the territory of│ │România. It may not be used except by a party whose name is indicated thereon)│ │ │ │ 2. Autorizația sau copia conformă eliberată de autoritatea emitentă va fi │ │păstrată la bordul vehiculului pentru întreaga durată
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/237481_a_238810]
Category of passengers): Această autorizație este valabilă pentru acea parte a cursei care se │ │desfășoară pe teritoriul României. Ea nu poate fi utilizată decât de titularul│ │al cărui nume este indicat în cuprinsul său. │ │ (This authorization is valid for the part of the journey on the territory of│ │România. It may not be used except by a party whose name is indicated thereon)│ │ │ │ 2. Autorizația sau copia conformă eliberată de autoritatea emitentă, va fi │ │păstrată la bordul vehiculului pentru întreaga durată
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/237481_a_238810]
underlined): 3. Frecvență serviciului (Frequency): ......................................................│ │5. Serviciul regulat special (Special regular service): │ │ - categoria de pasageri (Category of passengers): Ea nu poate fi utilizată decât de titularul al cărui nume este │ │ indicat în cuprinsul sau. │ │ (This authorization is valid for the part of the journey on the territory of România. It │ │ may not be used except by a party whose name is indicated thereon) 2. Autorizația sau copia conformă eliberată de autoritatea emitenta va fi păstrată la bordul │ │ vehiculului pe întreaga durată
EUR-Lex () [Corola-website/Law/229355_a_230684]
aur" de la Alkhan-Kala, de pe malul drept al Kubanului, cu un bogat inventar constând din piese de aur și produse lucrate în centrele meșteșugărești grecești. Alanii sunt menționați frecvent încă din secolul I d.Hr., acționând fie în Orient, unde atacă posesiunile parților din Media și Armenia (începând de la aproximativ 73 d.Hr.) sau provinciile romane din Asia Mică, fie în spațiul nord-pontic, de unde organizează raiduri până la Dunăre. Localizați de Ammianus Marcellinus într-un spațiu vast, întins în vremea sa de la Don până
PREZENŢE SARMATICE ȘI ALANICE TIMPURII ÎN INTERFLUVIUL PRUTO-NISTRIAN by Cezar Furtună () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/91551_a_107351]
for our contemporary mentality; how madness was defined and elaborated by socio-political powers; how and why our intellectual texts and discourses are controlled, repressed, modelled or, in extreme cases, censured and prohibited by socio-political institutions. The book has an introductory part, which explains why Foucault rejected the idea of the author and how he conceived his books as a series of vivid representations in which he paints his thoughts in chiaroscuro tones. Concrete examples from his works illustrate his chiaroscuro manner
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
of thinking/writing. In the chapter Madness, I criticized Foucault's idea that the relationship normal-abnormal-normalization is... a report which is "historically well-localized", as he said in Madness and Civilization. I presented how and why Foucault conceived madness as a part of our rational thinking. Foucault argued that madness is internal to reason and not something opposed to it. The next pages of the book debate Foucault's definition of reason in terms of unreason. The concept of 'unreason' described in
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
of this paradigmatic knowledge-power relations are also presented. I present what Foucault understood by the concept of 'technologies' and how these technologies were products of modern societies at the intersection of political power, individual power, self and ego. The last part focuses on the French thinker's expression 'the head of the king', pluralizing this concept for a new political philosophy. Foucault proposes a 'new way of organizing' societies, beyond 'sovereigns' and 'prohibitions'. Foucault did not want to say that it
Foucault, cunoaşterea şi istoria by Lucian-Mircea Popescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1446_a_2688]
exilului a exacerbat, în mod paradoxal, comprehensiunea și autenticitatea dragostei pentru pământul românesc și pentru valorile lui ideale sau reale” (Matei Cazacu). Autoare de versuri în limba franceză - Dans les brisures (1982), Sur les abîmes verts (1985), Bruine de nulle part (1993) - și în limba română (risipite în revistele din exil), S. practică o lirică modernă, antidiscursivă, „fără să anuleze conținutul, pentru că dă expresie unui simțământ fundamental de azi, acela al provizoratului istoric, la care s-a ajuns prin pierderea oricărei
Dicționarul General al Literaturii Române () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/289963_a_291292]
Duiliu Zamfirescu, tr. Eric D. Tappe, Boston, 1980; Dans les brisures, Mortemart, 1982; Sur les abîmes verts, Mortemart, 1985; Avec de Gaulle en Roumanie, Paris, 1991; ed. (Cu de Gaulle în România), tr. Rodica Chiriacescu, București, 1994; Bruine de nulle part, Mortemart, 1993; Nori peste balcoane (Jurnal din exilul parizian), tr. Micaela Slăvescu, București, 1996; ed. (Au Balcon de l’exil roumain à Paris), Paris-Montréal, 1999; Ceruri nomade (Jurnal din exilul parizian. 1990-1996), tr. Micaela Slăvescu, București, 1999; ed. (La Roumanie
Dicționarul General al Literaturii Române () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/289963_a_291292]
structure. We have proven that the organization of the party continued even after the General Gongress in November 1931. The stages of the reorganization, the factors which generated it, the most important actions during the existence of the party, the part takings and the dissident actions were analyzed in detail. The analysis and comparison of different programs of the party have represented important objectives of the paper. In time, the Georgists adopted nationalistic views, opting for a proportional represantation of Romanians
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
relations between the National Liberal PartyGheorghe I. Bratianu and the subsequent appointed governments and the analysis of the party's members' activities in the legislative organizations represent other topics of the study. The president of the party was asked to part take in the government by the majority of political representatives which formed the governments during 1931 and 1937, but always refused these offers, out of political reasons or because of moral considerations. As a defender of the constitutional monarchy, he
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
of the monarchy's attributions. In the fall of 1937, the Georgists signed, alongside members of the Legion and of the National Peasant Party a pact of electoral non-aggression. The Georgists lost the trust of their electorate because of taking part in this chaotic association of political formations and this was highlighted in the result of the elections. We have advocated a large amount of the paper to the stand points sustained by the Georgists in relation to the monarchy, to
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
Bratianu sustained that Romania needed a neutrality based external policy, which would permit the defense of the national interests. The analysis of the manner in which the former Georgists integrated in the Romanian Liberal Party after the reunification which took part on the 10th of January 1938 represents a final objective of the paper. A process of rebuilding the local liberal organizations was about to take place, with the purpose of integrating the Georgists in the new structures. Gheorghe Bratianu was
by GABRIELA GRUBER [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/943_a_2451]
be sustained, shall our abode Make with you by due turn. Only we shall retain The name, and all th' addition to a king. The sway, Revenue, execution of the rest, Beloved sons, be yours; which to confirm, This coronet part between you. KENT: Royal Lear, Whom I have ever honored aș my king, Loved aș my father, aș my master followed, Aș my great patron thought on în my prayers Pe toate forțele-ale căilor cerești, Prin care existăm sau ne
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
o'er-read; and for șo much aș I have perused, I find it not fit for your o'erlooking. GLOUCESTER: Give me the letter, șir. EDMUND: I shall offend, either to detain or give it. The con tents, aș în part I understand them, are to blame. GLOUCESTER: Let's see, let's see. EDMUND: I hope, for my brother's justification, he wrote this but aș an essay or taste of my virtue. GLOUCESTER(Reads): "This policy and reverence of
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
to love a woman for singing, nor șo old to dote on her for anything, I have years on my back forty-eight. LEAR: Follow me; thou shalt serve me. If I like thee no worse after dinner, I will not part from thee yet. Dinner, ho, dinner! Where's my knave? my Fool? Go you and call my Fool hither. [Exit an Attendant.] Enter Oswald. You, you, sirrah, where's my daughter? OSWALD: Șo please you Exit. LEAR: Ce profesiune ai
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
FOOL: Let me hîre hîm too. Here's my coxcomb. [Offering Kent hîș cap.] LEAR: How now, my pretty knave? How dost thou? FOOL: Sirrah, you were best take my coxcomb. KENT: Why, Fool? FOOL: Why? For taking one's part that's ouț of favor. Nay, and thou canst not smile aș the wind sits, thou'lt catch cold shortly. There, take my coxcomb. Why, this fellow has banished two on's daughters, and did the third a blessing against
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
thy other titles thou hast given away; that thou wast born with. KENT: This is not altogether fool, my lord. FOOL: No, faith; lords and great men will not let me. If I had a monopoly ouț, they would have part on't. And ladies too, they will not let me have all the fool to myself; they'll be snatching. Nuncle, give me an egg, and I'll give thee two crowns. LEAR: What two crowns shall they be? FOOL
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]
de luna din tine, pui de tîrfa, si calfa josnica de bărbier! Trage spadă! OSWALD: Away, I have nothing to do with thee. KENT: Draw, you rascal. You come with letters against the King, and take Vanity the puppet's part against the royalty of her father. Draw, you rogue, or I'll șo carbonado your shanks. Draw, you rascal. Come your ways! OSWALD: Help, ho! Murder! Help! KENT: Strike, you slave! Stand, rogue! Stand, you neat slave! Strike! [Beating hîm
by William Shakespeare [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1030_a_2538]