472 matches
Law, and Power., The making of Protestant Ireland, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992 4. Drâmbă, Ovidiu, Istoria culturii și civilizației, vol. ÎI, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedica, București, 1987 5. Durkaz, Edward Victor, The Decline of the Celtic Languages, a Study of Linguistic and Cultural Conflict în Scotland, Wales and Ireland from the Reformation to the 20 th Century, John Donald Publishers Ltd, Edinburgh, 1983 6. Ferreol, Gilles (coord.), Dicționarul Uniunii Europene, Polirom, Iași, 2001 7. Gibbons, Luke, Transformation în Irish Culture, University
Studii irlandeze by Codruţ Constantinescu [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/909_a_2417]
u] "acțiune", fr. bonbon [b(̃΄b(̃] "bomboană" : = indică pronunția alungită a unui sunet: engl. book [bu:k] "carte", neer. boer [bu:r] "țăran", germ. sehen [ze:n] "a vedea", sued. hamn [ham:n] "port". Abstract Cultural communication and linguistic communication within the European area The European world, in other words the sum total of the (distinct) peoples that were born and were active in the geographic area of the continental plateau West of the Urals reaching to the Atlantic
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
distinct) peoples that were born and were active in the geographic area of the continental plateau West of the Urals reaching to the Atlantic, offers in a first instance analysis a contradiction in terms of principles: a marked cultural and linguistic diversity, combined with the will to preserve it, and a particular spiritual unity, combined with an inclination to amplify it. Diversity can be accounted for by the historic life of each European community, while unity is owing to the same
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
is owing to the same historic life, to the extent to which it has aspects that entail relations among these communities. The means by which this unifying foundation has been achieved is communication, seen as a transfer of (cultural and linguistic) elements from one ethnic group to another as well as an interchange of cultural values, resulting in new conceptual and interpretive homogenization. Besides the cultural and linguistic aspects that bring communities together, the spiritual profile of the European World, is
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
foundation has been achieved is communication, seen as a transfer of (cultural and linguistic) elements from one ethnic group to another as well as an interchange of cultural values, resulting in new conceptual and interpretive homogenization. Besides the cultural and linguistic aspects that bring communities together, the spiritual profile of the European World, is characterised by the conscience of being a European, a conscience whose main components were rooted in Ancient Greece and were developed by the cultural and linguistic focal
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
and linguistic aspects that bring communities together, the spiritual profile of the European World, is characterised by the conscience of being a European, a conscience whose main components were rooted in Ancient Greece and were developed by the cultural and linguistic focal points that ensued (in the ancient world, the Roman world and in the modern world, in the Western Roman world and in the Germanic world). Under these circumstances, one can identify the elements that, through communication, were to become
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
features. Therefore, the fundamental elements giving the unified and distinctive character of the European World can be identified, as can be the sources of these elements, for in spite of an apparent heterogeneity of the issues related to cultural and linguistic European communication methods can be found to study it from the point of view of specific goals. Thus, clearly defined principles for the investigation of facts, for syntheses and interpretations can be actuated principles that can also operate as methodological
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
principles for the investigation of facts, for syntheses and interpretations can be actuated principles that can also operate as methodological guidelines, as structuring schemata, as analytical instruments and as an ideological foundation, grounded in the following: 1) the Philippide Ivănescu linguistic doctrine; 2) the Blaga Ivănescu cultural theory; Coșeriu's model in language change; 4) Eminescu's attitude in the analysis and interpretation of cultural and social facts. According to the Philippide Ivănescu linguistic doctrine, the evolution and the state of
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
in the following: 1) the Philippide Ivănescu linguistic doctrine; 2) the Blaga Ivănescu cultural theory; Coșeriu's model in language change; 4) Eminescu's attitude in the analysis and interpretation of cultural and social facts. According to the Philippide Ivănescu linguistic doctrine, the evolution and the state of the language are in a direct relation with the anthropological reality, seen as including an aspect referring to articulatory abilities, habits and dispose-tions and an aspect related to the manner and level of
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
world of setting clear limits and of avoiding synchretic forms at the level of the major spirit. The more so as both the Ancient Greek-Roman world and the modern one have been inclined towards a separation the cultural and the linguistic elements at the level of the folk traditional society from those created by scholars at the level of major culture. The theory of change developed by Eugen Coșeriu has the merit of clearly and appropriately describing the manner in which
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
thus effected. In this manner a tendency in the evolution of language can be initiated by the gradual shift of weight on the analytic character of the language and the limitation of the synthetic character until the change of the linguistic type occurs. By the nature of things, the research focusing on communication in the European area requires a mention and assessment of certain historic and social phenomena that constitute the frame of cultural and linguistic phenomena; it is therefore necessary
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
until the change of the linguistic type occurs. By the nature of things, the research focusing on communication in the European area requires a mention and assessment of certain historic and social phenomena that constitute the frame of cultural and linguistic phenomena; it is therefore necessary to follow an efficient and coherent model to interpret facts and situations, a model convincingly illustrated by Mihai Eminescu in his work as a journalist and characterized by objectivity and lack of prejudice. This model
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
to the fields of the science of culture and of linguistics, with a different distribution within the sections it consists of. In all cases, however, the goal is the same: the identification of the way in which, through cultural and linguistic communication seen as a transfer of values that ultimately became common values, a spiritual harmonization of the European ethnic groups was achieved, groups that in the modern world are characterized by a sometimes excessive concern to preserve the distinguishing features
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
features. It is therefore necessary in this venture not so much to make an inventory of these values, as to describe their sources, that represent cultural-linguistic focal centres for the European world. From these focal points those cultural, civilization and linguistic elements radiated, that turned into defining elements for the Europeans, distinguishing them from the inhabitants of the other continents and accompanying them when they reached other continents as long as they preserved their identity. The result of the investigation with
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
world acquired a distinctive feature first in the ancient times, when the Greek and Latin cultural foci were manifest, then in the modern world, when the Western Roman and Germanic were manifest. From among these, the Ancient Greek cultural and linguistic focal point holds the first place both in its temporal coordinates and in its importance, since it founded a number of cultural and civilization features that ensured the Europeans a vantage towards the peoples who live on other continents. During
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
languages that eventually became sources for the enrichment of and structuring models for all the modern idioms of the continent. In this manner, Christianity meant not only a new religion, common to all Europeans, but also a unifying cultural and linguistic platform. From the idea that cultural values and generally human achievements have a linguistic reflex follows that they exist, persist, disperse and are transmitted in association with facts related to language, whose content is represented by the reflection of these
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
the modern idioms of the continent. In this manner, Christianity meant not only a new religion, common to all Europeans, but also a unifying cultural and linguistic platform. From the idea that cultural values and generally human achievements have a linguistic reflex follows that they exist, persist, disperse and are transmitted in association with facts related to language, whose content is represented by the reflection of these values and achievements in the human conscience. For this reason, cultural communication is always
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
reflex follows that they exist, persist, disperse and are transmitted in association with facts related to language, whose content is represented by the reflection of these values and achievements in the human conscience. For this reason, cultural communication is always linguistic communication since culture, as a sum of spiritual creations and of reflections in the human conscience of the elements of reality (among which one could count artifacts, the products of material civilization), is associated with exercising the functions of language
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
with a view towards value standards, being at the same time the foundation of cultural creation at both folk and scholarly level. It is obvious then why any investigation focusing on communication within the European area must have an extended linguistic component, aimed on the one hand at the continuation and dissemination of those elements that were specific to ancient cultural focal points and, on the other, the state and the synergy of the elements coming from the modern cultural focal
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
an ontological viewpoint, according to which language organization is a reflection of the manner in which the world is captured by conscience and as G. Ivănescu aptly points out contributes to creating the foundation for further investigations regarding lexical creation, linguistic typology and communication through translation. By relating to basis-languages from which they come, both Romance and Germanic languages illustrate, sometimes in distinct manners, certain phenomena of grammaticalization of word-order and of grammaticalization of words which have lost their initial semantic
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
in the languages corresponding to the European cultural foci of the modern age (namely Western Romance and Germanic languages) being typologically distinct from the languages corresponding to the cultural foci of the Ancient world (ancient Greek and Latin). Naturally, the linguistic phenomena emphasized and approached from the point of view of European communication must benefit from an analysis and interpretation according to the preconditions of the linguistic science, attracting them in the explanation of the cultural phenomena being natural as long
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
to the cultural foci of the Ancient world (ancient Greek and Latin). Naturally, the linguistic phenomena emphasized and approached from the point of view of European communication must benefit from an analysis and interpretation according to the preconditions of the linguistic science, attracting them in the explanation of the cultural phenomena being natural as long as they are conjoined. The information involved in a research dedicated to cultural and linguistic communication are doubtlessly not only more numerous, but also highly varied
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
from an analysis and interpretation according to the preconditions of the linguistic science, attracting them in the explanation of the cultural phenomena being natural as long as they are conjoined. The information involved in a research dedicated to cultural and linguistic communication are doubtlessly not only more numerous, but also highly varied. The constative ones, constituting the departure point of analyses and of interpretations are obviously taken from papers that have to be credited in the bibliographic list, but it is
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
remark that the syntheses, the analyses and the interpretations must be varied, yet oriented towards achieving the same goal, that of identifying the significant elements of the European spiritual unity and of explaining their origin, intensity and circulation. From a linguistic point of view, a remark should be made on the fact that Latin elements inherited by the Romance languages ensure inter-Romance communication, while those inherited by the Germanic languages favour inter-Germanic communication. Another factor that ensures communication within each of
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]
their history. However, if such aspects facilitate communication within each of the ethnic-linguistic groups, loans from Latin and Ancient Greek in all the languages of the continent ensure general European communication (and unity). There is also a significant number of linguistic elements taken by all or the majority of the European idioms from some modern languages (mainly from French, Italian, English and German) that contribute to the completion of the same unifying process, so that, for instance, in the case of
Comunicare culturală şi comunicare lingvistică în spaţiul european by Ioan Oprea [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/920_a_2428]