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punished and șo much. But, if the chief would say: „if you succeed în doing ten projects till Wednesday or if you manage to do five projects till Tuesday, I will give you, also, a reward”, it’s changing the problem’s dată? Well, your pupils react în the same way. Therefore, when you have at disposal, the force of the negative feed-back and of the positive feed-back, use especially the last one. În any case, Gamble proposes aș when we
have, still, appeal to a negative feed-back, this approach should contain formulations / specification rather like it: „I see the situation ...” or „It’s looked / seemed ...” than „it is șo” because it offers to other person the chance to solve the problem without being puț into a disadvantaged situation for the intențional mistake. But not all the times the feed-back succeeds în achieving his goal even it is offered with good intentions. For example, many times, aș teacher/professor - we offer a
and looking stupida. În the second situation, the researchers have offered the students to solve a new set of problems from among which one being more difficult than the others. It have been studied how much the difficulty of the problem have influenced the pleasure of the two groups to work (solving problemsă. Therefore, the students whom hâd been rewarded for their intelligence, they have lost the pleasure to work în the moment of time în which they have confronted with
the two groups to work (solving problemsă. Therefore, the students whom hâd been rewarded for their intelligence, they have lost the pleasure to work în the moment of time în which they have confronted with the difficulty of the respective problem; în contrast with them, the students which hâd been rewarded for making the effort, they haven’ț showed any decline of the satisfaction to solve problems. Likewise than aș much, the performance of the pupil from the first group hâș
decision by the consumer involve the analysis of the way people choose between two or more buying alternatives and of the process which take place before and after the choice. There are five stages of the consumer purchase behavior: 1. problem/ need recognition; 2. information search; 3. evaluation of the variants; 4. taking the purchase decision; 5. post purchase behavior (Kotler, 1999Ă Problem/ need recognition refers to the moment the consumer becomes aware of the difference between his present and the
which take place before and after the choice. There are five stages of the consumer purchase behavior: 1. problem/ need recognition; 2. information search; 3. evaluation of the variants; 4. taking the purchase decision; 5. post purchase behavior (Kotler, 1999Ă Problem/ need recognition refers to the moment the consumer becomes aware of the difference between his present and the desired state, recognizing the existence of a need. The need can be generated by internal stimulus (hunger, thirsty, sexă - when one of
it with the simple mân’s existence. Under this circumstances when the cove „doesn’ț make a career „just trying to continue earning his normal life (Lavoegie 1987Ă ,when the fulfillment of the basic needs is impetuous then appears the problem of stability of this unique set of talents, values and motivations, which can be found on the pyramid’s top and define the base of a career. Without having any claims on an ultimate solution we shall try to bring
presented by the author în chapter twelve and thirteen. The independent and dependent variables play a major role în the Experimental Approach of the Memory and Learning processes. The last chapter, chapter fourteen highlights aspects of Experimental Approach of the Problem Solving and Thinking. The author presents the main concepts: inductive reasoning; deductive reasoning; algorithm; heuristic. The independent and dependent variables are presented by revealing laboratory experiments and problem solving procedures. The book hâș got three main goals: to provide effective
The last chapter, chapter fourteen highlights aspects of Experimental Approach of the Problem Solving and Thinking. The author presents the main concepts: inductive reasoning; deductive reasoning; algorithm; heuristic. The independent and dependent variables are presented by revealing laboratory experiments and problem solving procedures. The book hâș got three main goals: to provide effective and broad coverage of the field of Experimental Psychology introducing readers to the theories, research and application that constitute the science; to provide an impetus for students to
The Canterbury Tales: A Girardian Reading (1), în „Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature”, fall 1999, vol. 52, nr. 1, p. 41. 495 Carolyn P. Collette, art. cit., p. 149. 496 Philip S. Alexander, Madame Eglentyne, Geoffrey Chaucer and the Problem of Medieval Anti-Semitism, în „Bulletin of John Rylan ds Library of Manchester”, vol. 74, nr. 1, spring 1992, p. 112. 133 fiind acuzați de cămătărie, privită ca un păcat capital. Pactul dintre diavol și evrei este o temă comună a
La donna angelicata – la donna demonicata în opera lui Giovanni Boccaccio şi a lui Geoffrey Chaucer by Oana Simona Zaharia () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1618_a_3076]
the Law in Boccaccio' s Decameron, în Women Healers and Physicians: Climbing a Long Hill, edited by Lilian R. Furst, Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 1997, pp. 64-78. C. Articole 1. Alexander, Philip S., Madame Eglentyne, Geoffrey Chaucer, and the Problem of Medieval Anti-Semitism, în „Bulletin of John Rylands Library of Manchester”, vol. 74, nr. 1, spring 1992, pp. 109-120. 2. Amtower, Laurel, Authorizing the reader in Chaucer's House of Fame, în „Philological Quarterly”, summer 2000, vol. 79, nr. 3
La donna angelicata – la donna demonicata în opera lui Giovanni Boccaccio şi a lui Geoffrey Chaucer by Oana Simona Zaharia () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1618_a_3076]
spring , Daniel F. ' and 'Retra , vol. 31, n , Tison, Q lus and Cri 7-36. igh, Walter 229. in, David, ciple's Tale , vol. 95, n , David S. Chaucer R 9. , The Knigh oronto Qu hy D., Sedu ure”, sprin s problem r. 2, pp. 125 A., The Cr and Sym LII, nr.. 3, D., Interp nd The Me r. 2, pp. 133 Anglo-nor m”, fall 200 ., Provide s Man of L r. 2, pp. 132 Chaucer a 1993, vol. , Figuring s
La donna angelicata – la donna demonicata în opera lui Giovanni Boccaccio şi a lui Geoffrey Chaucer by Oana Simona Zaharia () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1618_a_3076]
cele mai importante centre de cercetare în domeniul creativității sunt: * În SUA: Universitatea din California de Sud, unde funcționează unul din primele centre, constituit de J.P. Guilford; Centrul de Cercetări și Evaluare a Personaliții (IPAR) de la Universitatea Berkeley; „The Creative Problem Solving Group” din Buffalo; „Torrance Center of Creative Studies” din Georgia, SUA; „The Center for Creative Leadership” din Greensboro. * În Europa: „The Manchester Business School” din Anglia; „Institutul Norvegian de Management” (NILA), din Oslo; „Consiliul Suedez pentru Management și Probleme
Creativitate : fundamente, secrete şi strategii by Georgel Paicu () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/690_a_1152]
prezentă și în alte țări foste comuniste precum Rusia și Ungaria<ref id=”3”>Karin E. K. Dawidson, „Conflicts of Interest in the Restitution and Privatisation of Housing since the Fall of Socialism: The Case of Central Timișoara City: A Problem of Democracy?”, în Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 56, 1 (ian., 2004), p. 121.</ref>. Un alt fenomen important a fost dat de noile tendințe migratorii. Având în vedere maniera forțată în care s-a realizat migrația rural urban în perioada comunistă
Inerţie socială în spaţiul românesc. Deschideri pentru o analiză funcţională a comunităţilor / Social inertia in Romania. Contributions for a functional analysis of the communities by Tudor Pitulac () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/511_a_1258]
două din urmă erau centralizate”<ref id=”1”>G.W.F. Hegel, citat în Karin E. K. Dawidson, „Conflicts of Interest in the Restitution and Privatisation of Housing since the Fall of Socialism: The Case of Central Timișoara City:A Problem of Democracy?”, în Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 56, nr. 1, 2004, pp. 119-141, Taylor & Francis Ltd, p. 121.</ref> O parte însemnată a celor care susțineau noul regim era reprezentată de persoane fără educație, provenite din familii modeste, care au văzut
Inerţie socială în spaţiul românesc. Deschideri pentru o analiză funcţională a comunităţilor / Social inertia in Romania. Contributions for a functional analysis of the communities by Tudor Pitulac () [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/511_a_1258]
propagare, interdependențele piețelor, precum și limitările și restricțiile acestora. Dacă modul de configurare a cadrului financiar internațional generează o viziune în dinamică a problematicii controlului mișcărilor de capital, analiza internă trebuie să urmărească și ceea ce este cunoscut sub denumirea de "assignment problem"18, adică compararea rezultatelor obținute prin controlul fluxurilor financiare cu cele obținute prin aplicarea celorlalte instrumente de politică economică: politica monetară, politica fiscală, cursul de schimb și tarifele comerciale. O altă observație ar fi că, instituirea controlului fluxurilor de capital
1, pp. 457-470; „Biblical Exegesis in Gnostic Literature”, În vol. Michael Stone (ed.), Armenian and Biblical Studies, Jerusalem, 1976, pp. 70-80; „Gnostic Interpretation of the Old Testament in the Testimony of Truth”, Harvard Theological Review 73 (1980), pp. 311-319; „The Problem of Jewish Gnostic Literature”, În vol. Hedrick and Hodgson (ed.), Nag Hammadi, pp. 15-36. Pearson a Încercat să rezolve spinoasa problemă a relației dintre gnosticism și creștinism postulînd existența unui gnosticism iudaic timpuriu, ale cărui elemente Încep să fie puse
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Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1962, pp. 72 sq. 80. Idem., p. 32. 81. George MacRae, „The Jewish Background of the Gnostic Sophia Myth”, Novum Testamentum 12 (1970), pp. 86-101. 82. Idem, p. 99; vezi și Kurt Rudolph, „Sophia und Gnosis: Bemerkungen zum Problem «Gnosis und Frühjudentum»”, În K.W. Tröger (ed.), Altes Testament - Frühjudentum - Gnosis, Berlin, 1980, pp. 221-237 și În special, pp. 227-228. 83. Elaine H. Pagels, The Gnostic Gospel, Random House, New York, 1979, pp. 42-61. 84. Elaine H. Pagels, „Pursuing the
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by LAURENT BAZIN, MONIQUE SELIM [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1015_a_2523]
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by LAURENT BAZIN, MONIQUE SELIM [Corola-publishinghouse/Science/1015_a_2523]