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cover that forehead with an umbrella? The glow paint of sun Should never be underestimated. .................... 9. Bicycle, bicycle, why do you run? There must be water into the sun; there must be dew into her eyes, lonely and tasty aș bîrdie flies. ................... 10. Come to the beach! With the fifth element developed and subtracted properly nobody will understand the definition of loss. Mihaela Cristescu Sydney, May 2012 Referință Bibliografica: JOIE DE VIVRE - FIRST PART / Mihaela Cristescu : Confluente Literare, ISSN 2359-7593, Ediția
FIRST PART de MIHAELA CRISTESCU în ediţia nr. 495 din 09 mai 2012 by http://confluente.ro/Joie_de_vivre_first_part_mihaela_cristescu_1336558382.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/354448_a_355777]