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visible, the last drop of the last shred of life, ghastly and vain desperation, doomed scuffle, death pressing relentlessly, methodically, monstruosly, like some planetary vice which was made red-hot în an oven. But if an angel will be found to intercede for you, It will bring you dew drops, and fly you to the shores of the river of life. ÎNGER CU STROPI DE ROUA Coarne de vite, poate de la vre-un bivol, pește câmpul ars - doar coarnele au mai rămas
BILINGUAL POEMS (1) / POEME BILINGVE (1) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 809 din 19 martie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_poeme_biling_daniel_ionita_1363694042.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345339_a_346668]