820 matches
the stars of deșire glittered ... And thus, from the stars, our child was born. He arrived to uș like a meteorite and we also taught him how to play with the Universe. The years passed ... The child grew up and left like a comet, to another planet, following a star. We were left, uș, alone, two oldies, dreaming of the Universe of our childhood. Our eyes close slowly and we disappear without trace into another universe, without planets, without stars and
MICUL UNIVERS / THE LITTLE UNIVERSE de GEORGE ROCA în ediţia nr. 834 din 13 aprilie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/George_roca_poeme_bilingve_george_roca_1365855057.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345881_a_347210]
was born. He arrived to uș like a meteorite and we also taught him how to play with the Universe. The years passed ... The child grew up and left like a comet, to another planet, following a star. We were left, uș, alone, two oldies, dreaming of the Universe of our childhood. Our eyes close slowly and we disappear without trace into another universe, without planets, without stars and without comets ... there, where the only reign is that of the CROSS
MICUL UNIVERS / THE LITTLE UNIVERSE de GEORGE ROCA în ediţia nr. 834 din 13 aprilie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/George_roca_poeme_bilingve_george_roca_1365855057.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/345881_a_347210]
to my use it might unusèd stay From hands of falsehood, în sure wards of trust. But thou, to whom my jewels trifles are, Most worthy comfort, now my greatest grief, Thou best of dearest, and mine only care, Art left the prey of every vulgar thief. Thee have I not locked up în any chest, Save where thou art not, though I feel thou art, Within the gentle closure of my breast, From whence at pleasure thou mayst come and
SONET 48 de MIHAELA TĂLPĂU în ediţia nr. 2090 din 20 septembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/mihaela_talpau_1474371169.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/381352_a_382681]
girl, When the sky is șo high And its hue A sweet blue? All I want is to fly and fly.” “But I used to fly with you, When we both were rare dew. What hâș happened, butterfly? You have left me down below To become completely mellow And converse with lower fellow!” “You forget my little girl, When the wind hâș taken you, You forget your joy and laughter, When you met and smelt the Matter. It was then, when
VISE NEÎMPLINITE (POEME)1 de ADRIANA ORR în ediţia nr. 1789 din 24 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/adriana_orr_1448369374.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/375052_a_376381]
nothing metonymies metaphors synecdoches of (no) exhausted truth spent relationships death itself or the writing of a poem the fisherman stretched his back to leave the shore the net on his shoulder, fishing rod în hand baitbox swinging în his left nothing of note was left for him not any more the sound of his footsteps crunched dead shells and faded în the distance pinctada maximă breathed a sigh of relief Then she turned on herself to nurse her secret pearl
POETICAL BRIDGES (POEME BILINGVE) de ALEXANDRA BALM în ediţia nr. 2348 din 05 iunie 2017 by http://confluente.ro/alexandra_balm_1496674729.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/375104_a_376433]
no) exhausted truth spent relationships death itself or the writing of a poem the fisherman stretched his back to leave the shore the net on his shoulder, fishing rod în hand baitbox swinging în his left nothing of note was left for him not any more the sound of his footsteps crunched dead shells and faded în the distance pinctada maximă breathed a sigh of relief Then she turned on herself to nurse her secret pearl NOAPTEA DE DUPA întunericul nu ne
POETICAL BRIDGES (POEME BILINGVE) de ALEXANDRA BALM în ediţia nr. 2348 din 05 iunie 2017 by http://confluente.ro/alexandra_balm_1496674729.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/375104_a_376433]
care eu însămi n-am mai auzit-o de ani care-a fost RECOGNITION To Fiona, with love your poems make sense to me she said în the blând tone of an email message I wondered if she'd accidentally left no ouț for silence was quick to follow what else could she' ve told me? what else to be said? two worlds contemplating one (staring, eyes averted) another are you comfortable reading în English she asked though we were both
POETICAL BRIDGES (POEME BILINGVE) de ALEXANDRA BALM în ediţia nr. 2348 din 05 iunie 2017 by http://confluente.ro/alexandra_balm_1496674729.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/375104_a_376433]
Traum și Proton, dar abia cinci ani mai târziu urma să fie remarcat, imediat după EP-ul de debut, “A Moot Point”, de la Hivern Discs. În 2011, după succesul cu care a fost primit EP-ul “Last House on the Left”, cariera lui Pional a avut o ascensiune atât de puternică încât artistul a fost nevoit să pornească într-un turneu European, deși nu mixase încă în orașul natal, Madrid, cu live act-ul cu care a impresionat și publicul bucureștean
Pional vine la Club Control by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/4905/pional-vine-la-club-control [Corola-blog/BlogPost/98255_a_99547]
producători numeroși din România, Statele Unite ale Americii, Norvegia și Marea Britanie (Maț Mâneri, Alexandrina, Ada Milea, Maria Radu, Monooka, CTC, Kazi, Specii, Subcarpati, Gunhill, Yvat, Brazda lui Novac, Alienpimp, Vlaicu Golcea, electric Brother, DJ Vasile și multe altele). Piesă "No rules left ..." compus, în colaborare cu Sukie Smith (aka Madam) este pe coloana sonoră a filmului american " The Truth About Angels " (2009). http://www.facebook.com/silentstrikemusic/info ### Duminică, 15 iulie 2012, ora 16:00 Taraful lui Gorea Facebook Event
Grand Opening Solomon Rocks by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/3068/grand-opening-solomon-rocks [Corola-blog/BlogPost/97339_a_98631]
Bastilia Bookshop în Bucharest, the occasion being the launch of his volume Testament - Anthology of Modern Romanian Verse, published by Minerva Publishing House.Daniel Ioniță selected and translated eighty poems into English (together with Eva Foster and Daniel Reynaud). Having left România more than 30 years ago, Daniel lives în Australia where he works at the University of Technology în Sydney (he does not teach literature, but another discipline). Testament presents 56 Romanian poets born between 1821 (Vasile Alecsandri) and 1960
INSULA CUVINTELOR DE-ACASĂ de LUCIAN VASILESCU în ediţia nr. 1048 din 13 noiembrie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Lucian_vasilescu_insula_cuvi_lucian_vasilescu_1384299073.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/363178_a_364507]
work is “unfortunately” incomplete - the author was the first to admit this - and the reasons were very understandable and objective - editorial deadlines. It is also “fortunately” incomplete, because Romanian poetry was written between 1821 and 1960, but also to the left and to the right of these years, which allows Testament to be “dilated” for future editions. Therefore Testament is an open work, and I hope that the author and the publishing house will have the strength to carry it forward
INSULA CUVINTELOR DE-ACASĂ de LUCIAN VASILESCU în ediţia nr. 1048 din 13 noiembrie 2013 by http://confluente.ro/Lucian_vasilescu_insula_cuvi_lucian_vasilescu_1384299073.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/363178_a_364507]
realizat în Cluj-Napoca de câștigătorul premiului Oscar Michael Curtiz! Cu acompaniament live al orchestrei de la Operă Maghiară. On his death bed, Betty's uncle tells her that her mother is not dead, but hâș been în prison for many years. Left alone, Betty goes to the city. Will she ever be reunited with her mother? Extraordinary screening of the restored version of a film shot în Cluj-Napoca by the Academy Award winner Michael Curtiz! Live score by the Hungarian Opera orchestră
TIFF 2015 by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/evenimente/3474/tiff-2015-escortata [Corola-blog/BlogPost/99159_a_100451]
Cheng-Hai An 你在这个世上 没有给我 留下一幅画像 或一尊雕像 小时候妈妈 你没有留下任何 一张照片 一段影像 没有画像 没有相片 也没有任何 石刻的雕像 除了 你在我身上 留下的镜像 哦,也许于你 我毫无价值 从没溺爱过 那面镜像 却荣幸地任其 在我身上孤独地活着 孤独地死去 LITTLE MOTHER Traducere în limba engleză de Germain Droogenbroodt și Hatto Fischer There isn’ț left of you/on earth, neither painted nor engraved, for me little mother no picture no image/of you No drawing no photograph no sculpture of stone nothing but that image which, you left în me Oh may I, unworthy to
GUIDO GEZELLE „MĂICUŢA” de GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT în ediţia nr. 1593 din 12 mai 2015 by http://confluente.ro/germain_droogenbroodt_1431443303.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/359828_a_361157]
Droogenbroodt și Hatto Fischer There isn’ț left of you/on earth, neither painted nor engraved, for me little mother no picture no image/of you No drawing no photograph no sculpture of stone nothing but that image which, you left în me Oh may I, unworthy to you, never spoil that image but honoured let it lonely live în me lonely în me die. MADRECITA Traducere în limba spaniolă de Germain Droogenbroodt și Rafael Carcelén Nada queda de ți en
GUIDO GEZELLE „MĂICUŢA” de GERMAIN DROOGENBROODT în ediţia nr. 1593 din 12 mai 2015 by http://confluente.ro/germain_droogenbroodt_1431443303.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/359828_a_361157]
I. POETICAL THOUGHT, de Soar , publicat în Ediția nr. 2224 din 01 februarie 2017. (c) Soar, 2016. soaring-words.com ... Citește mai mult "Poems are feelings sometimes forgotten în the array of new impulses, other times left to hibernate for lack of metaphors aiming further dawns. Yet, at the end of their lines, they contour the radius of what was left unsaid, undone or dreamt upon. And there, beyond the sight of our eyes, lies the centre
CANAL DE AUTOR by http://confluente.ro/articole/soar/canal [Corola-blog/BlogPost/372355_a_373684]
Citește mai mult "Poems are feelings sometimes forgotten în the array of new impulses, other times left to hibernate for lack of metaphors aiming further dawns. Yet, at the end of their lines, they contour the radius of what was left unsaid, undone or dreamt upon. And there, beyond the sight of our eyes, lies the centre of what is still to come."(c) Soar, 2016. soaring-words.com... ÎI. TO MAKE A POEM RIGHT, de Soar , publicat în Ediția nr. 2056
CANAL DE AUTOR by http://confluente.ro/articole/soar/canal [Corola-blog/BlogPost/372355_a_373684]
disappear when the generally weathered by time effects are mentioned: " It is not true, / the years are not a burden / and even if they were, / there will always be someone / to help me carry them. / I run sharing smiles / to left and right. / I have no time to rest: / I still have / to share some tips, / some encouragements, / a few good words! (...) "(I Run Sharing Smiles). The inner soul is characterized by a profound positive attitude that can only catalyze the
OCTAVIAN MIHALCEA DESPRE LĂCRIMIOARA IVA de BAKI YMERI în ediţia nr. 2091 din 21 septembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro/baki_ymeri_1474476149.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/380663_a_381992]
la cale un plan mortal, pentru a-i ucide unul câte unul. De la regizorul filmului The Final Destination, vine un thriller mortal, în care cele mai adânci temeri ies la suprafață, cu Sară Paxton (Superhero Movie, Last House on The Left), Dustin Milligan (90210, Stilher) și Chris Carmack (The O.C) în rolurile principale, din 30 septembrie, în cinematografele: Hollywood Multiplex (București și Oradea), Movieplex, The Light Cinema, Grand Cinema Digiplex, Cinema City (Cotroceni, Sun Plaza, Cluj, Arad, Bacău, Brăila, Baia Mare
Noaptea Rechiilor 3D, un festin pentru fanii senzatiilor tari in 3D by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/825/noaptea-rechiilor-3d-un-festin-pentru-fanii-senzatiilor-tari-in-3d [Corola-blog/BlogPost/99925_a_101217]
Și obosit pe pernă ta albă la noapte voi veni Să te fur fără cuvinte. [4] TIME Time wraps around more time The hour-glass distils the ages A wanderer through my own youth I pay the toll of daring. My left arm around you I beacon the angels with the other My memory keeps you velveted like a dream în agony. I am the cry from the bark Of a tree And tired I shall come On your white pillow tonight
POEME BILINGVE (I) de WALTER CHIURLEA în ediţia nr. 448 din 23 martie 2012 by http://confluente.ro/Walter_chiurlea_poeme_bilingve_i_walter_chiurlea_1332491625.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/362099_a_363428]
skies, abandoning its creation. The divinity's place is taken by the director, a director who conceives various scenarios, which randomly guide the individual's destiny: “the director who hâș signed my present time/ hâș looked over a book/ and left it open/ on a table with rocks/ and cliffs wound my body now” (The director). It is a destiny without finality, against whom the individual cannot fight, for he will crash into the ocean nonetheless: “into the memory/ the horizon
„APARENT/ ILLUSORY” O NOUĂ APARIŢIE EDITORIALA SEMNATĂ DE POETA DACINA DAN de MIHAELA GHEORGHIU în ediţia nr. 2173 din 12 decembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro//var/www/html/Home/Stihuri/Reflectii/mihaela_gheorghiu_1481520906.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/360912_a_362241]
road “which leads nowhere” (În dreams it's snowing still), “without knowing where it will end,/ the road” (The road), a circular road “where the voice is/ how the step hurts/ when returning/ meandering around/ back to where it hâd left from” (Father). One can notice two registers în the book “Illusory”, one which cries and another which defies or mocks, aș well aș two aspects, one belonging to the past and the other to the present: “my blonde locks would
„APARENT/ ILLUSORY” O NOUĂ APARIŢIE EDITORIALA SEMNATĂ DE POETA DACINA DAN de MIHAELA GHEORGHIU în ediţia nr. 2173 din 12 decembrie 2016 by http://confluente.ro//var/www/html/Home/Stihuri/Reflectii/mihaela_gheorghiu_1481520906.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/360912_a_362241]
pe bunica-n pragul ușii Cu covrigii calzi în mâini tremurătoare... Mi-e dor de-un ceai de tei, la mine-acasă, De vatra mea nimic nu mă desparte... De unde avioanele-astea toate, Unde mă duc, de ce așa departe? I NEVER LEFT MY HOME I never left my home... I never did... Fast airplanes, take off and fly away! Why do the people ask for where I am? My heart is here, it's good for me to stay. Deserts and oceans
POEME DIN CUMPĂNA VIEŢII de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1794 din 29 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_ionita_1448805898.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/383153_a_384482]
Cu covrigii calzi în mâini tremurătoare... Mi-e dor de-un ceai de tei, la mine-acasă, De vatra mea nimic nu mă desparte... De unde avioanele-astea toate, Unde mă duc, de ce așa departe? I NEVER LEFT MY HOME I never left my home... I never did... Fast airplanes, take off and fly away! Why do the people ask for where I am? My heart is here, it's good for me to stay. Deserts and oceans linger în the distance Fast
POEME DIN CUMPĂNA VIEŢII de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1794 din 29 noiembrie 2015 by http://confluente.ro/daniel_ionita_1448805898.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/383153_a_384482]
you and I cannot strip them off anymore. They stick to your body like a calligraphy thousands of years old Written by a Chinese scribe from the Emperor's palace Who did not have any more news from his sweetheart, Left somewhere în a village hanging în some distant memory. În the meantime the calligraphy of my words strings itself on your body Running faster and faster, flightier and flightier, Șo that I cannot fathom it anymore. Now and then I
POEME BILINGVE (6) de DANIEL IONIŢĂ în ediţia nr. 1237 din 21 mai 2014 by http://confluente.ro/Daniel_ionita_1400643054.html [Corola-blog/BlogPost/370237_a_371566]
2013. Aici, pelicula românească a lui Porumboiu se va afla în respectabila vecinătate a unor filme mult așteptate precum: La Vie Secrete d’Adele, de Abdellatif Kechiche (câștigătorul Cannes 2013), Inside Llewzn Davis, de Joel și Ethan Coen, Only Lovers Left Alive, de Jim Jarmusch, Nobody’s Daughter Haewon, de Hong Sang-soo. Sau The Invisible Woman, de Ralph Fiennes și Mitty de Ben Stiller, ambele fiind debuturi regizorale. ------------------------- Sinopsis Suntem în mijlocul filmărilor. Paul, regizorul (interpretate de Bogdan “Boogie” Dumitrache), are o
Când se lasă seara peste Bucureşti sau Metabolism by http://www.zilesinopti.ro/articole/5922/cand-se-lasa-seara-peste-bucuresti-sau-metabolism [Corola-blog/BlogPost/98008_a_99300]