2 matches
163-175. Vanhese G. , "A traduce indicibilul, Stéfan în limba italiană". În Jude Stéfan poète-malgré lui (a cură di), Pau: Presses Universitaires de Pau, 2000, pp. 129-136. Vanhese G. , "A traduce dorința: "La steaua" d’Eminescu în franceză, italiană și istro-roână ". MicRomania, 2000, pp. 3-13. Vanhese G. , "“Défaire un emmurement”. Poetica traducerii la Yves Bonnefoy". Revue des Lettres et de Traduction, 2000, pp. 101-117 .Vanhese G. , "Ulysse sau traversarea poeziei". Péristyles, 2000, pp. 4-15. Vanhese G. , " Despre "Scène indoustane" de Aloysius Bertrand
Gisele Vanhese () [Corola-website/Science/337237_a_338566]
the psychological concept of catharsis and the autobiographical pact (Bourdieu). Its reliability is based on a reconstruction après coup of a distanced look, a normative exigence and translatable aspirations. It is based on an exaltation of the faux-concret, and a micromania enticed by anecdotes. The diachronical perspective is considered essential towards a signum authenticum and a higher concept of self. For, if biography is not everything, everything is biography (Leon Edel). The same can be said of reflexivity. Reflexivity galvanizes discourse
Antropologie performativă. Cazul ghetoului Pata Rât (partea II) () [Corola-website/Science/295671_a_297000]